Friday, 14 March 2014

Thermage: An amazing non-surgical facelift option

 As people reach enter their 30s, the first signs of aging begin to develop on their face in the form of fine lines. Their skin slowly begins to sag and wrinkles begin to replace those lines that used to develop while smiling. Nobody likes these unsightly signs and everybody wishes if there could ever be a treatment that can help them get rid of it once and forever. Although there are scores of cosmetic surgeries on offer these days which can help you erase these signs of aging, but the downside of such treatments is that you will have to go through the pains and discomforts that often accompany such surgical procedures. In case, you are looking for a non surgical option to eliminate this problem from your life, then skin tightening treatment in Sydney called thermage would prove to be a great option for you.
So what exactly is thermage?
This is a form of non invasive skin tightening procedure that provides great results in smoothening out all those fine lines, large pores and unevenness that have slowly started to develop all over your face as a result of aging, stress and pollution. In NonSurgical Facelift, a unique and high tech technology related to radio frequency is utilized to cure a variety of skin related ailments including deep wrinkles and pigmentation. These frequencies trigger the production of collagen, a form of protein, inside the skin to make skin tighter and smoother like it was during your young days. 

The effectiveness of the treatment is such that even a single session of thermage can tighten your skin and drastically improve its appearance and texture, that too without the use of any sort of fillers or surgery. As this skin tightening treatment is completely non-invasive, you need not worry about spending weeks on bed nursing the wounds of surgery. 

The frequencies heat up the inner tissues of the skin to stimulate collagen production. This controlled heating leads to the contraction and growth of collagen into thick form, which results in the tightening and smoothening of skin. As far as the length or duration of this treatment is concerned, it depends on the size of the area that needs to be treated. You will not experience any sort of pain or discomfort during the treatment. 

So find a clinic in Sydney offering this amazing treatment to say goodbye to those ugly lines and wrinkles once and forever.

Facts about dermal fillers

Dermal filler have been talked about a lot in the past, as they have gone on to become one of the most preferred forms of cosmetic treatments around the world these days. However, despite these products’ popularity, there are not many people who are aware of what these products are all about and how exactly do they work. The aim of this article is to focus on the facts related to a variety of dermal fillers and lip enhancement products which are available in the market these days.

We all are aware of what exactly happens to our body once we hit out 30s or 40s. Fine lines and wrinkles often are one of the first indicators of the fact that the signs of aging have finally begun to knock on your doors. However, if you want to save yourself from such signs, dermal fillers are going to be an ideal option for you. These revolutionary products have the capability to soften your looks to the point that you will be able to save yourself from any profile changing effects of those fine lines and wrinkles.
However, there are different types of dermal fillers in Sydney which are brought to use by cosmetic and skin care clinics across the globe. Most of them can be put into one of the two categories – the first one is the Hyaluronic filler. The fillers which fall into this category are some of the well known ones such as Restylane, Juvaderm Ultra and Perlane among others. They are also used for lip enhancement purpose. Hyaluronic acid is an element that is found in homo sapiens as well as tissues of animals. The reason why their effects do not last long is because our body recognizes it in some time, thus forcing it to break down. Their effects last for around a period of 6 months after which you will be required to take dermal fillers’ injections again. 

The second category is that of calcium hydroxyapatite. These products are basically micro speres of calcium. These fillers, when injected into our body, lead to the production of collagen inside our skin. Radiesse is one such filler that triggers collagen production. However, the effects of these fillers are not permanent either as their effects last for around a period of 12 months. But their advantage is that they show immediate results unlike the a fore mentioned category of fillers which take some time to provide visible results.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Debunking myths related to wrinkle removal injections

Almost everybody these days is aware of what anti wrinkle treatments are all about. However, despite the huge amount of popularity of WrinkleInjections at Sydney, there are still a lot of myths or misperceptions that are circulating in the market. There are many people who are concerned about fine lines and wrinkles developing all over their face but are a bit too shy to go for such anti aging treatments. One of the reasons behind it is the stigma that is attached to these treatments on offer. It is a little strange as well because many of their relatives or friends might have already received such treatments, without them being aware of it.
One of the myths related to wrinkle removal injections is that the fillers are nothing but toxics that can lead to severe health and skin related complications. It is one of the misperceptions that often prevent people from approaching cosmetic clinics to get the treatments. However, the fact is that the injectables are proteins that are purified before they are injected in to the skin. Protein, in its purest form, is absolutely safe to be used as an anti wrinkle product. So you need not worry about the side effects of these products as only naturally occurring ingredients are injected into your body to achieve the objective.
Another myth that often scares away many people is that such injectables can distort your facial expressions once and forever. Some assume that these products just freeze your facial muscles to the extent that you will not be able to display your feelings through your face. The truth is that such sorts of results only occur when more than required amount of such fillers is injected into the skin, or if the product is injected into the wrong muscle. That is the reason why it is important to choose the right cosmetologist for the treatment who has years of experience behind him or her. If you show complacency in such matters, it could result in such side effects
If you are avoiding the treatment due to the fear that it might cause pain to you, then you are making a mistake as there are several ways to minimize the amount of discomfort associated with the treatment. So go for the treatment without any sort of fear or misconception in mind.